Embark on an exciting educational journey with "Spike Prime - RoboVerse," a dynamic classroom course presented by Robots Got Talents. Designed for elementary and middle school students, this exceptional program offers a gateway to the world of robotics and programming.
Through an engaging curriculum spanning seven lessons and encompassing a total of 31 hands-on building and programming exercises, students will harness the power of the Spike Prime set to cultivate a strong foundation in these essential fields. Join us as we dive into a realm of creativity, innovation, and discovery, constructing and programming six captivating themed robots. Unleash your potential and equip yourself with valuable skills for the future in a learning adventure that promises to be both enriching and enjoyable.
Course Signup Page: https://www.robotsgottalents.com/sign-up-spike-prime-roboverse
Student Guide: A topic-by-topic Interactive guide used by the students to guide them throughout the course and asset the course presenters in the teaching process. RoboVerse student guide includes guides, projects, tutorials, and 31 building and programming activities.
Student Notebook: A new section in the student zone which explains topics covered in the student guide in a more simplified and playful method.
Teacher Zone Includes certificate templates, advertising materials, lesson plan, teacher guides, student handouts, RoboApp QR codes and classroom quizzes.
Course Preview:
To use the course in your classroom, fill up the course hosting form and within 48 hours you will receive your login passcodes, which will give you access to the course student & teacher zones.